OsaAka Exchange

Carrd for the official 2021 OsaAka Exchange.
A SFW fan event to celebrate the pairing Miya Osamu x Akaashi Keiji.

About the Exchange

All participants will sign up to create and receive fan made content pertaining to the pairing Keiji Akaashi and Osamu Miya. Our moderators will pair up participants based off of their content and requests. Once instructions are handed out, creators will have two months to complete their work and submit it. The mods will send out date claims for the participants to reveal themselves and their pieces.

OsaAka Exchange Guidelines

The works should be centered around Keiji Akaashi and Osamu Miya. While it is fine to add additional relationships that coincide with the request, all media forms should have a primary focus on Keiji and Osamu’s relationship. All participants should be at least 14 years old or older.

Requirements for Gifts

- Art must be at least one full page work with color (black & white allowed if requested, background optional)
-Writing must meet a minimum word count of 2,000 words.

Participants must remain anonymous until the day of the reveal, but feel free to tell others about the event! The more participants there are, the better we can match creators together.

OsaAka Exchange HARD Rules

We aim to make this event as enjoyable as possible to all parties involved. Therefore, no hate speech will be tolerated under any circumstances. This includes sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other various forms of unacceptable language. Additionally, we ask that personal disagreements be kept out of the server in order to maintain a neutral environment.

OsaAka Exchange HARD Rules

Due to the active participation of minors, this is an SFW only event. This means that no explicit content is allowed. The following have been banned:

  • Beastiality (Hard Ban)

  • Domestic Violence (Hard Ban if it is between Keiji and Osamu, but if the requester allows it, it can be used in a non-romanticized way, ie. a traumatic backstory.)

  • Full Nudity (Hard Ban for Art but can be used in writing if the context is non-sexual, ie. getting changed or modeling)

  • Gore (Circumstantial Ban, blood, death, and/or physical injuries are alright if the requester allows it.)

  • Incest (Hard Ban)

  • Pedophilia (Hard Ban)

  • Romantic or Sexual Teacher/Student Relationships (Hard Ban)

  • Sexual Assault (Hard Ban)

  • Sexual Intercourse (Circumstantial Ban, implied is alright if they are timeskip and the requester allows it.)

OsaAka Exchange Schedule

Sign-up Period: April 18, 2021 - May 7, 2021
Pairing Announcements: May 9, 2021

First Check-In: May 23, 2021

  • Writers: concept or list of ideas

  • Artists: ideas or rough sketch

Second Check-In: June 20, 2021

  • (25-50%) complete

Third Check-In: July 11, 2021

  • (70-90% complete)


Final Check-In and Date Claims: July 23, 2021

  • (100% complete)